Rose is perhaps the single most discussed flower in literature and poetry across the world. It symbolizes beauty, love, and passion. They are delicate, intense, and evoke so many different emotions. A bunch of rose lights up the corner of your room, adds an elegant touch to the décor, and immediately transform the place. Roses also help you express your love and gratitude to someone you love and adore. A simple rose can do wonders. Think if you can find some rare varieties of this flower, how magical that could be. Here we list the 9 rarest roses you can find in the world. All these roses are commercially available and sold in the market.
9. Papageno Rose
Rarity: Moderately Rare Class: Hybrid Tea Color: Red and white stripe Bloom Shape: High-centered Fragrance: Mild This rose is a rare, two-toned rose with a large bloom size. A fully bloomed flower is about 4-5 inches and has 26-40 petals. The petals are red with off-white stripes and flecks. Each flower is unique and makes an excellent choice for a cut rose. Papageno was first bred by Samuel Darragh McGredy IV in 1989. McGredy Roses International introduced it in New Zealand, and in Germany it was brought by Rosen-Union e.G. The mature plants grow up to 3-4 feet and form shrubs. It requires more than 10 °F temperature and full sun. Did you know? This variety of rose is named after the character of the bird-catcher from Mozart’s opera The Magic Flute.
8. Claude Monet rose
Rarity: Moderately Rare Class: Hybrid Tea Color: Pale pink and yellow stripes and streaks Bloom Shape: High-centered Fragrance: Moderate This roseis a strong growing free-flowering plant. It bears semi-double medium-sized flowers. The bloom size is around 2 to 3 inches, and it has around 16 to 25 petals. The flowers are characterized by pink, white, and yellow stripes and streaks. This color variation makes it a wonderful décor item. Claude Monet is your ideal choice if you want to add some splash of color to your garden. The height of a mature plant is 3 to 4 feet, and it spreads around 2 feet. The flowering time for this plant is spring, summer, and fall. This rare variety of rose was introduced in 1992 by Jack E. Christensen. The parentage of this plant is still unknown. Did you know? Claude Monet has a very unique fruity fragrance. It has a hint of vanilla, peach, lemon, and pear.
7. Rainbow Sorbet Rose
Rarity: Rare Class: Floribunda Color: Yellow and Pink Bloom Shape: High-centered Fragrance: Mild
This rose belongs to the floribunda class, which means it was created by crossing hybrid teas with polyantha roses. Usually, floribundas are smaller and bushier than hybrid teas, and the Rainbow Sorbet is no exception. The flowers have golden yellow petals with deep pink edges. It blooms in clusters, double to full. The size of the bloom ranges between 2 to 3 inches. It was hybridized by Ping Lim and Jerry F. Twomey and was introduced in the US in 2004. Did you know? This breed of rose is remarkably disease-resistant and very much winter-hardy. However, it can be susceptible to black spot
. 6. Osiria Rose
Rarity: Rare Class: Hybrid Tea Color: Red and white Bloom Shape: High-centered Fragrance: Strong This rose is a beautiful ornamental flower characterized by velvety texture and odd coloration. The front of the petals is cherry red, and the base is white. It has large blooms of about 4 to 5 inches. The petal count for a full-bloomed flower is 26 to 40. It is a slow-growing plant and requires special care. The plant height is 3 to 4 feet, and it spreads around 2 to 3 feet. It needs to be planted in full sun and protected from strong winds and rains. It also requires protection during the winter months, especially in a cold climate. This gorgeous variety of roses was hybridized by Reimer Kordes in 1978. Did you know? Many online stores fake Osiria rose photos to allure the customers. The bloom you get is nothing like the photo shown on their website. So, do your research so you do not fall for a scam. 5. Nostalgie Rose
Class: Hybrid Tea Color: Cream and red Bloom Shape: Globular Fragrance: Moderate Rose Nostalgia is a gorgeous bi-colored flower. The inner petals are cream-white with cherry-red edges, and the outer petals are fully red. This unique color pattern makes them stand out in the crowd. The blooms are large, having a size of around 4-5 inches. The average bloom size is 4.75 inches. Fully-grown flowers have 26 to 40 petals and moderate fragrance. The plant bears glossy and leathery foliage and can grow up to 3 to 4 feet. It was first bred by Hans Jurgen in 1995. The following year, it was introduced in Germany by Rosen-Tantau. Did you know? Many online stores fake Osiria rose photos to allure the customers. The bloom you get is nothing like the photo shown on their website. So, do your research so you do not fall for a scam.
4. Félicité Parmentier Rose
Rarity: Rare Class: Alba Color: Pale pink Bloom Shape: Cupped Fragrance: Strong This is an old-fashioned rose with a very soft and delicate look. The petals are pale pink that fades to white on their edge. The flowers are small, less than 2 inches in diameter. They usually have more than 40 petals. They are lightly cupped and blooms in tight clusters. Full sun and moist, well-draining soils are ideal for the healthy growth of the plant. However, it can tolerate poor soil and shades to some extent. It is an old breed hybridized by Louis-Joseph-Ghislain Parmentier before 1834. Did you know? Felicite Parmentier roses can have as many as 120 petals. Thus, it can look very different from other roses mentioned in this list. 3. Hocus Pocus Rose
Rarity: Rare Class: Floribunda Color: Red and yellow stripe Bloom Shape: High-centered Fragrance: Mild It is yet another gorgeous striped rose. It has velvety texture and dark burgundy and lemon-yellow stripes. The bloom size is around 2-3 inches, and a fully bloomed flower has 26-40 petals. The flowering time is spring, summer, and fall, and it requires full sun to bloom. It blooms in flushes during the seasons. This particular variety was discovered in 2000 by W. Kordes & Sons. It is a sport of Black Beauty. However, it is not a stable sport and may revert back to its parent Black Beauty. That means the blooms may not have the yellow stripes. The unique color of hocus pocus makes it a popular choice for cut rose. A single flower in a bouquet adds to the overall beauty. This is a rare breed and not available easily. Did you know? There is another very similar looking variety of rose called Abracadabra. It was introduced by the same company Kordes & Sons, in 2002. Abracadabra is also a sport of Black Beauty but is known to be more stable than Hocus Pocus. 2. Juliet Rose
Rarity: Extremely Rare Class: Shrub Color: Apricot and Apricot blend Bloom Shape: Cupped Fragrance: Strong Rosa Juliet or Sweet Juliet is one of the rarest roses in the world. It is a full-cupped rose with distinctive petals. The bloom size is medium, ranging between 2 to 3 inches. It has 40+ petals and is very full. This ravishing flower blooms in small clusters and has a distinctive delightful refreshing fragrance. Juliet Rose was hybridized by the famous British breeder David Austin in 1989. It is named after Shakespear’s Romeo Juliet. Did you know? Over the last 60 years, David Austin has developed more than 200 varieties of exquisite English roses, most of which are many-petaled and have rich, enticing fragrances.
1. Suntory Blue Rose Applause
Rarity: Rarest
Class: Shrub
Color: Mauve
Bloom Shape: High-centered
Fragrance: Moderate
The Blue Rose is the rarest in the world. Blue roses have been a part of mythology and folklore for a long. It also appeared in literature and paintings time and again. However, no blue roses exist in nature because rose plants do not contain the required blue pigment called delphinidin.
Scientists have worked for years to create blue roses that symbolize mystery and a desire to attain the impossible. Most of these attempts failed. In 2004, Suntory, a Japanese company in collaboration with Australian company Floeigene, developed a genetically engineered rose, Applause, where they successfully introduced the blue pigment delphinidin into the white roses.
The color of the petals is not blue in a true sense; it is mauve or lavender. It took the scientists around 13 years of research to achieve this result.
In 2009, Suntory brought Applause to the market, and it was sold at a high price. However, scientists at Suntory and elsewhere continue their research to produce pure blue roses.
Did you know?
Blue roses that you usually find in the market are artificially dyed. Blue dye is placed into the bark of the roots of white roses, and as a result, the petals turn blue.
8 Rarest Flowers in the World
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